019: The Design Educator


The Design Educator

Tata Yap

Tata Yap is a creative director for digital agency, Code and Theory Manila; working with clients like Doctors Without Borders (MSF.org), the World Health Organisation, C40 Cities, and the International Crisis Group. She works to teach, and teaches to work, juggling her roles with 8 years of being a lecturer of type, web and graphic design at the Ateneo de Manila University where her students are always a source of  optimism, inspiration, and energy.

We talked about learning design through fandoms, why typography is important, how we can improve design education, and so much more.


Code and Theory - https://www.codeandtheory.com/

Tata’s LinkedIn - https://linkedin.com/in/analyn-yap-29a0a138

Tata’s Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tatayap/

Alexis Collado