083: The Systems Thinker
The Systems Thinker
Sheryl Cababa
Sheryl Cababa is the Vice President of Strategy at Substantial, a design and technology consultancy in Seattle, and has more than two decades of experience as a multi-disciplinary design practitioner. With a background in human-centered design research and strategy, she has worked as a design consultant at companies like Artefact, frog, and Adaptive Path. She is an international speaker and facilitator, and has developed methods for designers to integrate systems thinking with their practices.
In this episode, we talk about design consulting, Filipino representation in tech, ethical decision making and systems thinking, the consequences of designing products at scale, and so much more.
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sherylcababa/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/SherylCababa
Substantial - https://substantial.com/
Design in Public - https://designinpublic.org/
Gates Foundation - https://www.gatesfoundation.org/
Syracuse University - https://www.syracuse.edu/
Seattle Times - https://www.seattletimes.com/
Philips Directlife - https://www.fastcompany.com/1406418/test-driving-networked-body-philips-directlife
Artefact - https://www.artefactgroup.com/
Adaptive Path - https://www.adaptivepath.com/
frog - https://www.frogdesign.com/
Paolo Malabuyo - https://www.linkedin.com/in/wildchicken/
Paolo’s Episode - https://open.spotify.com/episode/1fZrp8vhA0z393TrtbzxVz?si=g8eL4SmjTv2bRphZX3X3Kg
Mismatch by Kat Holmes - https://www.amazon.com/Mismatch-Inclusion-Simplicity-Technology-Business/dp/0262038889
Seattle Design Festival - https://twitter.com/SeaDesignFest
Seattle Interactive - https://seattleinteractive.com/
UX+ - https://uxpl.us/