090: The UX Writer


The UX Writer

Leonardo Raymundo

Leonardo Raymundo is a content designer and content strategist from Seattle, Washington—where he was born and raised. He currently works at Orca Pacific, a MightyHive company, as the lead content strategist, helping some of the leading brands optimize their content across multiple eCommerce platforms such as Amazon, Target, and Walmart.  In his spare time, he mentors up-and-coming UX writers through the UX Writing Hub, and is particularly passionate about helping those in the BIPOC/AAPI community.

In this episode, we talk about shifting to a UX writing career, systemic racism and the BLM movement, the challenges and privileges of being Filipino-American, and so much more.


Leo’s Portfolio - http://www.ldavidwrites.com/

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonarddavidraymundo/

Best UX Writing Portfolios - https://yuvalkeshtcher.medium.com/best-ux-writing-portfolios-2019-update-7e6a066631af

MightyHive - https://mightyhive.com/

OrcaPacific - https://www.orcapac.com/

General Assembly Seattle - https://generalassemb.ly/locations/seattle

MyGift - https://www.mygift.com/

School of Visual Concepts - https://www.svcseattle.com/

Alexis ColladoComment