094: The Uncomfortably Comfortable
The Uncomfortably Comfortable
Jarell Alvarez
Jarell is an intermediate product designer currently working on enterprise software for Copperleaf who helps utility companies make better decisions that make a better world. On the side he volunteers at ADPList and BCIT as a mentor, regularly hosts or speaks at local meetups and events, and started a local design community in Vancouver on April 2020 with over 600 members worldwide for casual bi-weekly calls.
In this episode, we talk about the power of community and building it from scratch, helping other people succeed, doing enterprise design, and so much more.
Jarell’s Notion Resource - https://magnificent-mantis-ff1.notion.site/Jarell-Alvarez-UX-Resources-2021-68fd20c7df224319ac1409be2fe6eabc
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jarellalvarez/
Vancouver Design Check-in - https://www.designerslack.community/community/vancouver-design-check-in