081: The Clown Prince of Design
The Clown Prince of Design
Ed Salvaña
Ed Salvaña is a Product Designer at Facebook. After long stints on Facebook Ads, Instagram and Events, he now designs experiences for new platforms and devices at Facebook Reality Labs. While growing up, he thought he would become a priest, a pilot, or even a scientist. He ended up becoming an animator, engineer, then eventually a product designer. He still has trouble explaining what he does to his parents. Ed is also a voracious carnivore, appreciates fine brews and well-made video games.
In this episode we talk about going from flash developer to product designer, designing for FB Ads, Events, Reality Labs, and Instagram, delivering impact through product incubation, and so much more.
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ed-ignatius-salvana-65a58031/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/edsalvana/
Ed’s photo by Maykel Loomans - https://maykelloomans.com/
Ateneo MIS - https://www.ateneo.edu/ls/sose/iscs/bachelor-science-management-information-systems
Yugo Nakamura - http://yugop.net/info/
Code and Theory - https://www.codeandtheory.com/
Hot Studio - https://hotstudio.com/
Academy of Art San Francisco - https://www.academyart.edu/
CAS - https://www.calacademy.org/
Dan Mall - https://open.spotify.com/episode/2K9ytmQToeLBcsrUJeddlv?si=liNdopY-QYyk7IwU3j0Ogw
Tim Quirino - https://open.spotify.com/episode/1uoFeDB7HxEM7gpDH4Q4Hu?si=KE3xmtq5T5ejzAMXGY-hEw
Arvi-Raquel Santos - https://open.spotify.com/episode/5yaY70fSoxz1u3BIccdgK5?si=9m7AfNncRyawg_OaTZmCuw
Cameron Moll - http://cameronmoll.com/
Area 120 - https://area120.google.com/
Facebook NPE - https://npe.fb.com/
Facebook Horizon - https://www.oculus.com/facebook-horizon/
Portal - https://portal.facebook.com/
Facebook Reality Labs - https://www.facebook.com/careers/life/facebook-reality-labs-turning-ideas-into-realities