067: The Pintado
The Pintado
Everett Katigbak
Everett is a Bay Area transplant and failed musician who exchanged the Los Angeles smog for the San Francisco fog. Raised in the LA skate punk scene of the 80s and 90s, he was naturally drawn to the counter culture epicenter that was the Bay Area. He’s currently a documentary filmmaker at Stripe, and is wrapping up Stripe Press’s first feature length release. Prior to Stripe, he was a Brand Creative Manager at Pinterest, Co-Founder of the Facebook Analog Research Laboratory, and was an Exhibition Designer at the Getty Center in Los Angeles.
In this episode, we talk about being a museum designer, using your network to get career direction, being a provocateur in the Facebook office, working with film to tell stories , and so much more.
Everett’s Portfolio - http://www.typochondriac.com/
Dribbble - https://dribbble.com/typochondriac
Getty Museum - https://www.getty.edu/museum/
Facebook Analog Research Laboratory - https://www.facebook.com/analoglab/
Meet Facebook's Secret Propaganda Arm: The Analog Research Lab - https://www.wired.com/2012/05/analog-research-lab/
Facebook's *Ping* Noise Has 4 Notes: F, A, C, and E - https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/05/facebooks-ping-noise-has-4-notes-f-a-c-and-e/276310/
Graffiti artist David Choe painting Facebook's office - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4rjOcaNobI
Malthe Sigurdsson - https://www.linkedin.com/in/malthe/
Steward Brand - https://twitter.com/stewartbrand
Evan Sharp - https://www.linkedin.com/in/evsharp/
Dan Matutina - https://open.spotify.com/episode/3B4Mnb9xz5JtFu8q1GWhO8?si=U-tAAWgES_-95sN2cfoBaw